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Passenger in a truck accident seriously injured

$1.4 Million Settlement

Our client, a young man, was a passenger in a truck that lost control and went into a field. He was ejected from the vehicle and lay in the field for hours before being found by emergency personnel. In the crash, the young man suffered multiple spinal fractures in his lumbar and thoracic spines and a facial fracture. He has been left with a spinal cord injury and a traumatic brain injury. He will never work again and will require substantial lifetime care.

The family originally retained another law firm. When Oatley Vigmond was originally retained the family was receiving little or nothing from their statutory accident benefits insurer. After retaining Oatley Vigmond, the client began receiving a weekly income replacement benefit, assistance from a multi-disciplinary treatment team, a weekly housekeeping and home maintenance benefit and a substantial monthly attendant care benefit. Within two years the statutory accident benefits claim settled for more than $1,400,000.