Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

Young Woman Suffers Severe Brain Injury in Collision with Broken-down Snowplow

$12.5 Million Settlement

Our client, a young woman in her early 20s, was a passenger in her boyfriend’s car on a darkened municipal road in Eastern Ontario. She was not wearing her seatbelt when the car collided into the rear of a broken-down snowplow at a high rate of speed. Our client suffered a severe brain injury leaving her unable to continue her education, work, and requiring that she have supervision 24 hours per day for the rest of her life.

After a thorough investigation, we commenced a lawsuit against our client’s former boyfriend and the municipality who owned the snowplow. The parties reached a settlement of over $12,000,000 at the courthouse on the day trial was to begin. Our client now has the resources to remain safely in her home for the rest of her life.