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Kimberly Barratt

Accident Benefits Specialist

Prior to joining Oatley Vigmond in 2008, Kimberly worked in the insurance industry for 10 years with experience in the management of catastrophic injury claims. Now, as an advocate for clients, she’s the primary liaison with the accident benefits insurer, and helps clients understand and obtain from their own insurance companies the statutory accident benefits to which they are entitled. She is highly involved with discharge planning from hospital to home, and works closely with our clients and family members to assemble reliable teams of community rehabilitation and long-term care providers. Kimberly regularly participates and contributes to firm-sponsored seminars in both hospital and community settings.  Understanding the residual impacts on family and social life resulting from brain injury, Kimberly is an advocate in our community to increase brain-injury awareness and prevention.

In her free time, she remains committed to ongoing education through attending seminars, conferences, and other courses with a focus on Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. A health and fitness enthusiast, she also holds a personal trainer certification.

Connect with Kimberly Barratt