Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

Consistently ranked

Top Ten in Ontario by

Canadian Lawyer Magazine

Toll Free: 1-866-269-2481

James’ Story

“I was reassured on many occasions that wherever or whenever I felt concern – they were already helping. Their experience showed in everyone involved.”

Ryan’s Story

“Nobody wants to ever be in a position to have to use personal injury lawyers but when they are needed, you want the best… and I was fortunate to have them.”

Joanne’s Story

“Oatley Vigmond was the best thing that could have happened to me regarding my lawsuit.”

Martha’s Story

“Every step of the way, I was impressed with the amount of extraordinary effort put forward by every single member of what I came to think of as ‘my Oatley Vigmond team.'”