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The Law and You

The Benefits of Winter Tires

In April 2015, the Ontario government announced that insurance companies would be required to offer drivers a discount for choosing to put winter tires on their cars and trucks. The […]

The Scariest Mask is No Mask At All

Every October, Hallowe’en preparation begins. Pumpkins are purchased and carved, yards are decorated, and costumes are selected. Unfortunately, 2020 is a year like no other. With the threat of a […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents In Parking Lots

Most accidents in parking lots tend to be minor because they do not happen at highway speeds. However, many people (especially pedestrians) have been seriously injured and even killed in […]

The Law and You: Inevitable Accidents

We sometimes hear that a car accident was “inevitable” or “unavoidable,” but what does that really mean? An inevitable accident is one that was not intended and which, under all […]

Don’t Get Burned By Complacency

BBQs, campfires, and firepots – all make for an idyllic evening on the patio. The dancing flames can be captivating; activating some atavistic part of our brain, signaling comfort and […]

The Importance of Tenant’s Insurance

Many people who rent their homes think that tenant’s insurance is a waste of money. Some people think that their possessions are not valuable enough to insure.